
Various technical and organizational measures can be taken in IT security. This is intended to prevent manipulation or loss of data. Unauthorized access should generally be prevented.

Cyber security can be seen as a subgroup of IT security, as the ISO27001 regulations also deal with organizational aspects of cyber security measures. Therefore, IT security must be the priority of management.

categories of Wi-Fi threats

6 Categories of Known WiFi Threats for Business Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. 6 categories of known Wi-Fi threats We would like to introduce the following categories of threats here, before describing each individual threat in detail in individual articles and introducing […]

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Digital schools no longer need chalk?

How to prepare teachers and students for a digital school

How to prepare for a digital school It is good that many schools no longer use chalk. It protects the environment and reduces health risks for students and teachers. However, the introduction of electronic school boards and digital learning content creates completely different problems. Not every teacher has acquired the necessary skills during their training

How to prepare teachers and students for a digital school Read More »