ISO 27001 Checklists for your Certification
When establishing the set of rules, ISO 27001 checklists help to prepare all ISMS documents, evidence and measures in a targeted manner. This means that no critical aspects for ISO 27001 certification are overlooked. So you can relax and look forward to the visit of the ISO27001 auditor. They will be positively pleased with the quality and completeness of the documents. Of course, checklists are not everything you need to certify your information security management system. The checklist also helps you to use the ISO 27001 templates that have been customized for you. The industry-specific checklists also refer to the necessary technical documents (e.g., test protocols, pentests, procedure lists, emergency plan)
We have provided a short video for you here on the topic of ISO 27001 checklists:
How can an ISO27001 audit be carried out in 4 weeks using a checklist?
Anyone who takes a focused approach to certification of their company’s information security concept will reduce unnecessary problems, idle times and additional costs with the 27001 certification. The most costs arise when creating an individual ISO27001:2022 management system. Unnecessary deviations from a transparent approach slow down preparation and create significant additional effort. With consultant rates ranging from 150-500 EUR/hour, it is not surprising that many companies are experiencing skyrocketing project costs. Anyone who creates a non-transparent, confusing or even incorrect security concept must expect considerable consulting costs for correction and testing. It is an unfortunate misconception that non-existent information security in ISO27001 can be passed over the auditor’s nose. Such unethical behavior harms your company and its customers. In the long term, a lack of security can lead to significant damage.

If you want to reach your goal quickly, stick to the checklists and provide the required information quickly. This allows our consultants to put together their personal ISO27001 documentation very quickly.
On the checklist you will also find the required training for your employees. You can quickly do this online. All employees can flexibly watch the online videos to obtain the necessary evidence. The videos are short and easy to understand.
If necessary, our IT experts can clarify technical questions with you in a video conference or on site. This means that documents and operational IT are quickly ready for auditing.
How can I prepare my IT for ISO27001 faster?
The ISO IEC 27001 standard expects companies to have an organizational management system to ensure information security in the company. However, if the IT system is not prepared for today’s cyber threats, such a management system will have the effect of “greenwashing” or “whitewashing”. Your customers and suppliers cannot then rely on the secure processing of their personal and operational data in your company. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Using simple procedures, you can quickly bring IT to a minimum standard without burning a fortune. The mix of technical and organizational comparison of the current status of your IT helps you to quickly receive a list of measures. Then you can optimize your IT infrastructure economically with the appropriate priority.
For this we not only use checklists but also our own IT audit software. This means that a remote or on-site IT audit is carried out in a targeted manner. Our IT experts also help the external IT service provider to make special settings. This means that this external IT supervisor can continue to support your company’s IT in a standard-compliant manner after the ISO27001 audit. If a possible security incident is identified during one of our IT audits, our cyber forensics experts must examine the situation of your IT. This also provides proof for the ISO audit that critical security incidents are taken seriously by management. It would also not be in the company’s interest if hackers or cyber criminals continued to cause damage to their IT. Cybercriminals could even embarrass you during the ISO27001 audit. It doesn’t make a great impression if all your PCs are blocked by ransomware on the day of the ISO audit.
Frequently asked questions about ISO27001 certification checklists
The ISO/IEC 27001 certification requires that we comply with the main normative part of ISO 27001. The requirements can be summarized as follows:
- Context of the organization
- Leadership and commitment
- planning
- Support
- Operation
- Evaluation of performance
- improvement
- Controls (Annex 1)
The certificate is valid for a maximum of 3 years and must then be extended through a recertification audit.
The recertification audit checks whether the requirements for an extension of the certificate still exist.
The costs for certification according to ISO 27001 can be defined quite well for small companies (SMEs) in hardly complex industrial sectors. Here the audit and the issuance of the certificate together cost around 1,500-3,000 Pounds.
Things are more difficult for companies with complex processes and increasing company size.
Here, the very complex audit costs significantly more because the risks are significantly higher. Additional technical IT audits often take place here (e.g. pen test, software source code audit). These are usually necessary because these companies require the ISO27001, due to the regulations of the legislator or the main insurer of the company concerned.
Therefore, the certification of large corporations can quickly cost over around 15,000 Pounds.