Enhancing Cyber Security Operations
Cyber security is intended to protect an organization’s IT infrastructure against internal and external threats. This allows cyber security experts to analyze incidents and identify how systems need to be better protected.

Traditionally, companies in the UK have designated this area as IT security. Unfortunately, the events of the past few years have shown that our own internal perspective is no longer sufficient. The number of incidents already exceeds the capacity of regular IT specialists in medium-sized businesses and corporations. As part of the recruitment process, you will have to use IT recruiters to recognize that the experts’ salary demands go beyond the salary range of the IT department and the company. A cyber security expert can now earn over £270,000 an year.
Why are cyber attacks getting worse?
Companies have committed themselves to pushing forward digital transformation. They have brought in consultants to change organizational procedures and streamline processes. They usually forgot to improve cyber security. Today, attacks on companies are heavily characterized by criminal energy, sabotage and cyber espionage.
The number of incidents involving stolen data, destroyed documents or sabotaged industrial facilities are increasing exponentially. Unfortunately, knowledge of the methods of digital burglary has become particularly widespread because individual organizations and groups of people have failed to live up to their responsibilities. They have disproportionately created and distributed digital weapons to supposedly protect society from itself.

As a result, the pandemic came in handy: companies were forced to implement remote working within a few weeks due to lockdowns. An already overloaded and under-funded IT had to realize this wonder of the world within weeks. Cyber criminals only had to watch as mistakes were made and poorly protected systems presented themselves to them like a hacked cashpoints. There will never be 100% security. You can’t rest on your laurels on cyber insurance. This will not protect the company from bankruptcy. Therefore, one must resort to the principles of risk management.
What do you need for cyber security?
Step 1: You need a sufficient number of cyber security experts. Just because someone has a cyber security certificate or a university degree in information security or ITSM does not make that person a true expert.
Step 2: You need the right equipment to protect data and examine communications data for dangerous activity in real time.
Consequently, special hardware and software are required to fulfill this security task economically with the limited number of skilled workers available.
Without extended detection and response you are playing Russian roulette
Unfortunately, step 3 is even more difficult because in most companies steps 1 and 2 cannot be completely fulfilled. You need a fully functional XDR. Large organizations overestimate their human resources. For an operational SOC or XDR, you need at least 6 cyber security experts. Your CS team must be large enough to ensure security 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
What can be done to improve cyber security?
As previously mentioned, cyber security needs to look at the assets inside the business, which attract criminals, spies and vandals. Why should someone be interested in messing about with your company assets?
- Can they cause damage to critical infrastructure?
- Can they push your company out of business?
- Stealing your stored data would allow them to commit bank fraud or credit card fraud?
- Would they be able to empty your bank accounts or sabotage your advertising accounts?
- Could they impersonate your CEO and make the bank transfer large amounts of money to fraudsters?
These are just some of the potential questions you need to ask yourself. even if you have a small local car repair shop, the data inside your systems can cause servere damage to a lot of people, if it gets stolen and used for criminal activity. You might have recently read that criminals are cloning number plates of similar cars in order to evade the ULEZ traffic fees. Thereby, innocent vehicle owners are fined with massive amounts without actually having moved their car during the time of violations taking place. These ULEZ scams are causing great damage to the individuals and also companies with large car pools. Most affected are Londoners frequently commuting in the ULEZ zone so that a criminal might even get away without paying the fees as the real vehicle has paid for it already. The biggest trick of fraudsters is picking vehicles which meet the minimum emissions standard. By cloning the numberplates of such emission free vehicles, criminals travel into lodon in a polluting car using the number plate of an electric vehicle.
The best way to improve cyber security is to create an organizational culture that protects personal and company data in a proper way. Information security doesn’t need expensive equipment and a bunch of computer wiz kids eating up your profits. You are best adviced to create an information security management system (ISMS). Then get the ISMS audited by an accredited certification body so that you gain an ISO 27001 Certificate.