6 Categories of Known WiFi Threats for Business

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6 categories of known Wi-Fi threats

We would like to introduce the following categories of threats here, before describing each individual threat in detail in individual articles and introducing sensible security measures (according to ISO 27001):

  • “Evil Twin” Access Point
  • Incorrectly configured access point
  • Rogue access point
  • Rogue client
  • Neighboring access point
  • Ad hoc network

1. „Evil Twin“ Access Point

Tricks users into establishing a connection that sniffs traffic, steals data, and infects systems.

2. Incorrectly configured access point

An incorrectly configured access point exposes networks in offices and factory buildings to possible attacks. This is the result of configuration errors and network infrastructure that is not regularly checked.

3. Rogue Access Point

A rogue access point allows attackers to bypass perimeter security controls and possibly disable them later without the knowledge of the IT department.

4. Rogue Client

A rogue client sends malware payloads into the network after establishing a connection with a malicious access point.

5. Neighboring Access Point

If you use a neighboring access point, you run the risk of infection. By connecting to other SSIDs within the range of the authorized access point, the infection can spread throughout the entire company.

6. Ad-hoc-Network

Bypass security controls using peer-to-peer connections and risk malware infection.